Student Services
At INSTEP we believe that a high level of student services is as important to a successful study abroad experience as well has a quality academic experience. It is for this reason that we have put in place the following student services that each student can expect from the time of initial contact until after you return to the United States following your program.
* Dedicated Office and Program Staff in the US
* Pre-Departure Mailings and Advice (both academic and social)
* Credit Transfer to any US University or College**
* Help with booking Transatlantic flight student fares
* Dedicated on--site staff in London and Cambridge
* Guaranteed Housing in both London and Cambridge
* On-site Orientation upon arrival in the UK
* On-site academic support and advising
* Library, computing and e-mail facilities
* Receptions, dinners, and group photographs
**Ultimately, all credit transfer must be approved by your home institution, but all academic work you complete on the program will be transferred back to your home institution on a Tulane University transcript.
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